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Dispute Resolution

Dispute Resolution

Dispute Resolution Center

Alternative dispute resolution is the possibility that all consumers have at their disposal to appeal and official entities that help them in the resolution, or guidance of any conflict, before opening litigious processes in the Courts.

Customers who are defined as consumers by Law 144/2015 and who have entered into purchase and sale and / or provision of services contracts have the right to use official entities to assist them in resolving any conflict concerning such contracts, without prejudice to the use of judicial courts. The updated list of Alternative Dispute Resolution entities available under the terms of article 17 of Law no. 144/2015, of 8 September, are listed on the Consumer Portal, accessible through the website

For more information you can also consult Law 144/2015. We also inform you that, to settle disputes that originate from online purchases, you can use a resolution system, called “ODR Platform - Online Dispute Resolution / RLL”, created by the EU.

You can access this platform through the website: Online Dispute Resolution In any case, you can contact one of the centers designated below.

Entidades para a Resolução Alternativa de Litígios
CNIACC – Centro Nacional de Informação e Arbitragem de Conflitos de Consumo

Centro de Arbitragem de Conflitos de Consumo do Vale do Ave / Tribunal Arbitral Rua Capitão Alfredo Guimarães, 1 4800-019 Guimarães Horário de atendimento De Segunda a Sexta, de 09h-13h e 14h-17h. Contatos Telefone: +351 253 422 410 Fax: +351 253 422 411 Email:


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Medidas do Espaço